Hello World (Command Line Interface)
Welcome to your guided tour of networked system experimentation in SPHERE. Start by following the
“Getting Started” instructions to create your account and
have it approved, download the mrg
CLI to your local system, and configure the CLI based on the
address of the portal.
This guide assumes you are using the reference portal at sphere-testbed.net
. If you are using a
different portal, substitute addresses in this document that reference sphere-testbed.net
Consult your project leader if you are not sure of the portal address.
Now let’s dive in.
This guide assumes the usernamemurphy
. Adjust for your username accordingly.Create an Experiment
To get started we’ll create an experiment
mrg new experiment hello.murphy 'My first experiment'
Every experiment is a part of a project. In the command above, hello.murphy
follows the form <experiment>.<project>
. Every user has a personal project
that is automatically created when they first join a SPHERE portal. The personal
project has the same name as the user. Here we are using murphy
’s personal
project for the home of our hello
Dot delineated hierarchical naming is pervasive in themrg
command line tool. All objects are
referenced using this form.Assessing Experiment Status
Now that our experiment is created, we can see it in SPHERE in a few ways. The most basic is asking merge for a list of experiments.
mrg list experiments
Name.Project Description Mode
------------ ----------- ----
hello.murphy My first experiment Public
More detailed information about the experiment is available through the show
mrg show experiment hello.murphy
Repo: https://git.sphere-testbed.net/murphy/hello
Mode: Public
Description: My first experiment
Revision Realizations
-------- ------------
In addition to the information we’ve already seen, this display shows us two new things.
An address for a SPHERE-hosted Git repository for our experiment
The realizations associated with this experiment.
You can use prefixes for any mrg
command to avoid excessive typing. For
example, the following two commands are equivalent:
mrg list experiments
mrg li e
Pushing Experiment Source
Without any source, an experiment is just an empty shell. We add source by
pushing to the Git repository associated with our experiment. We identified this
repository in the previous step as https://git.sphere-testbed.net/murphy/hello
There are two ways to access an experiment’s git repository: using standard git
tools or the mrg
Adding model revisions to an experiment via git
First let’s look at using standard git tools. Start by grabbing an existing experiment from the official SPHERE examples on GitLab.com.
git clone https://gitlab.com/mergetb/examples/hello-world
cd hello-world
This is a very basic hello world experiment with two nodes interconnected by a link.
from mergexp import *
# Create a network topology object.
net = Network('hello-world')
# Create two nodes.
a,b = [net.node(name) for name in ['a', 'b']]
# Create a link connecting the two nodes.
link = net.connect([a,b])
# Give IP addresses to the nodes on the link just created.
link[a].socket.addrs = ip4('')
link[b].socket.addrs = ip4('')
# Make this file a runnable experiment based on our two node topology.
More details on topology modeling can be found in the “Experiment Model Reference” section.The important thing to note about source repositories is that there is a requirement about where the experiment topology file lives:
- For Python sources, the main topology file must be
- For Go sources, the main topology file must be
Now that we have the source in a local Git repository, let’s push it to SPHERE. Start by adding a new remote to the repository.
git remote add mergetb https://git.sphere-testbed.net/murphy/hello
Before continuing we need to make sure we are ready to enter authentication information. Only experiment or project members can push sources to SPHERE experiment Git repos. Git authentication in SPHERE works through tokens, to access your token do the following.
mrg whoami -t
This will display a glob of text, that is your access token. Now let’s push some source to our experiment.
git push -u mergetb
This will ask you for a username and password. For the username enter the token, leave the password blank. If the push was successful, your experiment now has source.
Adding model revisions to an experiment via mrg
The mrg
utility supports adding a model to an experiment as well. It essentially does
the above, but in a single command. It uses the authentication token generated
during a mrg login ...
to push a model to the experiment git repostory on your
behalf. The command is mrg push
and the abbrivated usage is:
Push a model to the given experiment repository.
mrg push <model-file> <experiment>.<project> [flags]
--branch string Repository branch to push the model to. (default "master")
-h, --help help for push
--tag string Tag the commit with the given tag.
Assuming the model at ./model.py
is a valid model file, you can push it to the master
branch of the experiment repository via:
mrg push ./model.py hello.murphy
If you now fetch the repository you will see that the system has pushed a new revision on your behalf:
commit bbd67f119672bc0cedc8fd97476e6aeea7458a6c
Author: ...
Date: Mon Feb 14 17:37:53 2022 +0000
merge model auto-commit
You can also push with a git tag. This will make it easier to realize the model
later as you do not have to know the revision string, just the tag. To push with
a tag give the --tag
mrg push ./model.py hello.murphy --tag olive
This pushes the model and creates the given git tag. The log will look like this:
commit 37bd4776dc458182290a9d4106ffb1b47797760c (tag: olive)
Author: ...
Date: Mon Feb 14 17:39:17 2022 +0000
merge model auto-commit
Themrg push
command only currently supports tagging on the master
branch. It does not support pushing to a non-master branch.Confirming Realization Model Compilation
For a realization to work, the model you pushed must compile correctly. The compilation
status is displayed via the optional argument --with-status
given to the
mrg show experiment
This command shows the compilation status of all model revisions pushed to the
experiment’s git repository. Since we’ve only pushed one revision only one
will be listed. (Note the revision
is the git revision. This can be seen
by looking at the newest git log, git log -1
mrg show experiment hello.murphy --with-status
Repo: https://git.sphere-testbed.net/murphy/hello
Mode: Public
Revision Compilation Status
-------- ------------------
000cf5171f4248dfc71d222468a4abe83a6912df success
Revision Realizations
-------- ------------
Confirm the status is success
. If not, the compilation error is shown.
Realizing an Experiment (Reserving Resources)
The next step toward creating a working experiment is realization. Realization is the act of finding a suitable set of resources for your experiment, and allocating those resources for your experiment’s exclusive use.
A realization is based on a specific revision of an experiment
. Let’s use
to look at the latest revision for our experiment.
git log -1
commit 000cf5171f4248dfc71d222468a4abe83a6912df (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Ryan Goodfellow <rgoodfel@isi.edu>
Date: Tue Dec 29 08:58:24 2020 -0800
Signed-off-by: Ryan Goodfellow <rgoodfel@isi.edu>
Here we see the latest revision has the identifier
. So let’s go ahead and create a
realization for that version of our source called world
mrg realize world.hello.murphy revision 000cf5171f4248dfc71d222468a4abe83a6912df
If the revision has a git tag associated with with it (created using
mrg push ... --tag
or git tag ...
) you can reference the tag instead of the
revision string:
mrg realize world.hello.murphy tag olive
Realizations have an initial lifetime of one week. You can extend lifetime of the realization named world.hello.murphy
for 15 days from today as follows:
mrg update realization expiration world.hello.murphy 15d
Assessing Realization Status
Now we can take a look at our realization in pretty much the same way as we did for our experiment. Start by listing your realizations.
mrg list realizations
Realization Nodes Links Status
----------- ----- ----- ------
world.hello.murphy 2 1 Succeeded
This display tells us that we have 1 realization with two nodes and 1 link that was successful. To find out more information, show the realization.
mrg show realization world.hello.murphy
a -> osprey0 (VirtualMachine)
b -> osprey0 (VirtualMachine)
This display shows us how our experiment was mapped onto testbed resources. In
this case both of our nodes were mapped to virtual machines running on the same
physical host named osprey0
. We see a link that has no endpoints or waypoints,
which is expected in this case as both VMs reside on the same machine so there
is no actual physical link connecting them.
Running Multiple Versions of the Same Experiment
Now let’s say we have a slightly different version of this experiment in a different branch of our repository. In this version of the experiment, we want bare-metal nodes instead of virtual machines. Let’s check out that branch and take a look at the difference from our master branch.
git checkout metal
git diff master
diff --git a/model.py b/model.py
index 2e0b578..748c285 100644
--- a/model.py
+++ b/model.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from mergexp import *
net = Network('hello-world')
# Create two nodes.
-a,b = [net.node(name) for name in ['a', 'b']]
+a,b = [net.node(name, metal==True) for name in ['a', 'b']]
# Create a link connecting the two nodes.
link = net.connect([a,b])
This shows us there is a single change, to specify the metal
property for each
node. This ensures that we will get bare metal nodes for a
and b
Let’s push this branch to our experiment source repo.
git push -u mergetb metal
Now let’s determine the latest commit in this branch,
git log -1
commit 8dd799637047e3bf845a5a16f44228d24d10f6ff (HEAD -> metal, origin/metal, mergetb/metal)
Author: Ryan Goodfellow <rgoodfel@isi.edu>
Date: Thu Dec 31 13:35:03 2020 -0800
and create a realization from that revision of the source
mrg realize metal.hello.murphy revision 8dd799637047e3bf845a5a16f44228d24d10f6ff
which yields
mrg show realization metal.hello.murphy
a -> finch0 (BareMetal)
b -> finch1 (BareMetal)
[1000] a@finch0 &{Phy:name:"eno1"}
[1000] b@finch1 &{Phy:name:"eno1"}
[1000] xfleaf0: &{Access:port:"swp0" vid:47}
[1000] xfleaf0: &{Access:port:"swp1" vid:47}
This time we see that our experiment has mapped onto bare-metal nodes with physical links interconnecting them.