Acceptable Use Policy v1.0

Policy on acceptable use of SPHERE resources

SPHERE is a research infrastructure (aka, testbed) designed to allow researchers to experiment with cybersecurity and privacy attacks and defenses. All uses of SPHERE should be consistent with this high-level goal.

Overall Rules

Use of SPHERE is permitted for research and educational activities only. SPHERE should not be used for any illegal or commercial activities. Small businesses are permitted to use SPHERE to test their technologies. Please contact us at ([ if you have questions whether a particular use of SPHERE is permitted.

Node Usage Rules

Do not hold SPHERE resources that are not actively involved in a running experiment. This prohibition includes holding on to a large set of resources when only a small set is actively part of an experiment.

Do not attempt to hack the SPHERE infrastructure. This includes “red team” (hacker test) experiments.

Do not interfere with the normal operation of other systems. Do not operate any application that a third party could interpret as being a security intrusion or privacy violation.

Network Usage Rules

The following rules apply to the SPHERE “control network”, which is connected to the Internet.

Do not use your SPHERE resources for any illegal activities (e.g., scanning) of Internet hosts or for any malicious activities (e.g., botnet infiltration) without first discussing your intended use with us. We can help you craft your experiment so that it does not jeopardize others on the SPHERE infrastructure or on the Internet.


SPHERE provides basic isolation between experiments, but it makes no guarantees with respect to the privacy of data stored within it or transmitted on its networks. Users should not use SPHERE to transmit or store data that is confidential or otherwise protected by security or privacy regulations.

Data Storage

SPHERE does not provide guarantees with respect to the reliability of the storage it provides. All users are responsible for making copies of data that is important to them.

Account Sharing

Sharing of SPHERE accounts is prohibited. Each user must register for their own account and each account may only be used by one person.

Other Circumstances

The SPHERE staff reserves the right to exercise judgment with respect to the use of SPHERE and its resources and to restrict or terminate access as they see fit.

Consequences of Violations

Violation of this AUP may result in any of the following:

  • termination of the experiment;
  • disabling of accounts for users or organizations (projects);
  • informing the organization’s administration.

To report a suspected violation of this policy, contact SPHERE Support